Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tasty bits...

So in preparation for the big Reps Weekend that I am so pumped about (mainly because I'm going to bust out my best flapper outfit and run rabid through the NH liquor store celebrating the 100th+ anniversary of Repeals Day **Thank you for the idea Christina!) I took my snowboard to get waxed today at Ski Market.

On the drive to Ski Market I had to get on 95 South and was humming along until I had to change lanes to get off the exit for Woburn. So I do the good ol' mirror check to see what I'm up against with the exit only 1/4 mile away. All the sudden I notice that there are a bunch of cars in the right lane with their hazards on and little purple was a frickin' funeral procession. So I know from experience that you are NEVER supposed to interrupt the procession out of respect for the dead. So I'm freaking out trying to figure out what to do as I slow my car down to 30 mph on 95 and I'm getting horns and fingers left and right. I started sweating bullets because it was now or never, I had to either cut through the procession or go to the next exit and turn around. Now I'm a degree. I had no choice but to cut through the procession and vear last minute off onto the exit as I got the stink eye from the car I passed in front of. I made my exit, but prayed to the dead guy not to hex me with a car accident for ruining his procession.....

So, I finally get to the Ski Market and as I walk in I'm greeted by a Ski Market worker who's idea of customer service is waving at me with a full cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee while giving me the nod and asking "What do ya need?" So I told him I needed a wax and a binding change (I'm going to try not boarding goofy...fingers crossed!) and he asked me what model of board I had. Not knowing shit about boards or the proper vernacular, I told him it was a Burton. He laughed at me and asked me what kind. I had to look on the board and tell him that it was an "A.49" whatever that means and he said "Whoooaaaaaaa...that's old school!" Long story-short....he's not getting a tip.

So despite that fact that I have an antiquated snowboard, I'm PUMPED for this weekend. It certainly will not be the same with out S. Traweek and I will eat 40 pieces of cheese at the Cabot tasting station in her honor.

I am also pumped about the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show...let's just say they better have a TV tuned into it at Silvertone's or I'll be "stillin" the wait staff. (See how I worked that in there!....that's racial!)


Sarah Dawn said...

HAAAAAAAAAAHAHA, Lauren, I don´t think I would have cut them off, but then again, I am just afraid to switch lanes in general.

I wish I could go to reps...

Kiki Ma said...
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Kiki Ma said...

haha what kind of funeral procession rides on the freeway!? were they in a mad rush to get this guy buried!? they're supposed to stay on side streets! i'm sorry, but there is no respect for the dead on roads that begin with I-